
Boss is trying to fine workers 50$

Ill try to keep this brief, my buddy is a 1099 worker for a towing company, his boss (after making a verbal agreement) today said if a worker failed to show, they would be deducted an additional 50$ from their earnings(this is not in the contract he signed) what rights does he have? He is already trying to leave but owes the company money. Boss has also threatened him, and thrown things at him on more than one occasion.

Ill try to keep this brief, my buddy is a 1099 worker for a towing company, his boss (after making a verbal agreement) today said if a worker failed to show, they would be deducted an additional 50$ from their earnings(this is not in the contract he signed) what rights does he have? He is already trying to leave but owes the company money. Boss has also threatened him, and thrown things at him on more than one occasion.

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