
I don’t work weekends

I work for a well known pub, I won’t say who. Now I told them I can do forty hours a week. Now my hours have been upped to 50+ hours this doesn’t bother me as much. Now I don’t normally work weekends. However they asked if I could work last Saturday and Sunday 3/4th July I did this as a favour to the head chef. They gave me Tuesday 12th July off. As I only had Thursday 7th July off and worked the Saturday and Sunday. Now without asking me they’ve put to work a 10-6 shift this Sunday 17/07. I’ve told them I cannot work as I have plans on Sunday they haven’t yet gotten back to me yet. I don’t know what to do. I have plans with family I can’t get out of this time. Unlike the previous week.

I work for a well known pub, I won’t say who. Now I told them I can do forty hours a week. Now my hours have been upped to 50+ hours this doesn’t bother me as much. Now I don’t normally work weekends. However they asked if I could work last Saturday and Sunday 3/4th July I did this as a favour to the head chef. They gave me Tuesday 12th July off. As I only had Thursday 7th July off and worked the Saturday and Sunday. Now without asking me they’ve put to work a 10-6 shift this Sunday 17/07. I’ve told them I cannot work as I have plans on Sunday they haven’t yet gotten back to me yet. I don’t know what to do. I have plans with family I can’t get out of this time. Unlike the previous week.

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