
I’m asking for a raise today. Pro tips?

Found out a coworker with comparable education and experience (I actually have a couple years more experience) was hired for 10k more annually than me. I’ve been here 1.5 years. They gave a couple of us a small boost about six months back, but I want a real, meaningful raise. I’m doing the same work as the other, more senior people and people hired at the same time as me are significantly behind me in training and execution. Do I have grounds to ask for this? What do I say? I’m normally not nervous for this kind of thing but I am today for some reason.

Found out a coworker with comparable education and experience (I actually have a couple years more experience) was hired for 10k more annually than me. I’ve been here 1.5 years. They gave a couple of us a small boost about six months back, but I want a real, meaningful raise. I’m doing the same work as the other, more senior people and people hired at the same time as me are significantly behind me in training and execution. Do I have grounds to ask for this? What do I say? I’m normally not nervous for this kind of thing but I am today for some reason.

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