
A little story from 2018

I had a great job, for 6 years! Good enough money to buy a house and make payments, a very awesome owner of the company, 10 days off paid vacation (not enough tbh), 3 bonuses a year ( upwards of 6k each bonus), had cool bosses and got great exercise. Life was good. Then the owner died and her grandson, who had been suing her for years (long story), took over the company. This guy was like 24 years old and a HUGE douche. Took away bonuses completely, changed what I do At work which made it very boring and dreadful, drank beers at work when he came in, made me work 15hr days with no overtime. Just came in and fucked everything up really bad. We lost over 30 clients due to him just changing the price of our services with no notice. I was miserable for about 6…

I had a great job, for 6 years! Good enough money to buy a house and make payments, a very awesome owner of the company, 10 days off paid vacation (not enough tbh), 3 bonuses a year ( upwards of 6k each bonus), had cool bosses and got great exercise. Life was good.

Then the owner died and her grandson, who had been suing her for years (long story), took over the company. This guy was like 24 years old and a HUGE douche. Took away bonuses completely, changed what I do At work which made it very boring and dreadful, drank beers at work when he came in, made me work 15hr days with no overtime. Just came in and fucked everything up really bad. We lost over 30 clients due to him just changing the price of our services with no notice.

I was miserable for about 6 months.

Then one day he invited everyone to go out to the bar after work. I went reluctantly, but I was going to ask for a raise because of the no bonuses thing and I relied on them. Anyways, I only drank like one beer and people started heading home. I was about to leave, when he says “hey want to come to the next bar with me? I’ll drive you in my new zo6 corvette”. I take him up on it, since I still hadn’t talked about a raise.

Right off the bat he is driving like a fucking maniac. I’m actually scared for my life, he notices and starts laughing about it. We get to the next bar, I don’t have any drinks and he has like one beer. We play pool and then I ask him to drive me back to my car. Once again he is driving insane. We get to the place, where my car is and we drive passed it. He tells me that he wants to take the corvette on a straight away. We haul ass on this neighborhood road, come up a hill, and there is a sharp left. We skid off and slam, head on, into a brick wall going about 75mph. It lights on fire, the wind is knocked out of me, our doors won’t open so I kick the passenger window out and walk onto the sidewalk. People come out of their houses to come help. I faint onto the ground (but recover quickly) and he walks off down the street to call a friend to pick him up. The ambulance comes and takes me to the hospital, police ask me questions. They X-ray me and I broke my left wrist horribly and fractured my neck.

Anyways, I’m at home and he sends a friend to check on me. Gives me $500 and tells me I can take 2 weeks off paid. So I “recover” after my surgeries and end up going back. I can’t do my normal duties anymore, I have to work in the office now. I’m not allowed to tell anyone what happened or I get fired. So I say I got into a car wreck and he says he broke his arm by falling out of a tree while hunting. I’m too scared to sue as I will have to quit and didn’t know how much I would get, if anything worthwhile.

4 Months go by.

Then my dad dies, I have to take my paid vacation to mourn him. Not a text or call or anything from the owner. Old owner would of given me months off. I’m livid

I call 3 lawyers and interview them. One lawyer tells me my case is so damning that he gives me 100k to take off work while we go through the process.

I win 1.25 million before lawyer and hospital fees. 500k in pocket, no taxes.

I’ve not worked since. Just sold my house this February and bought a travel trailer and am traveling the US with my wife and Dogs. Have investments, my wife sells paintings online. We just do whatever we want. In actuality this is doable without the massive amount I got. Pay $500 a month rent with everything including internet, at some spots. My monthly bills are under 2500 a month. It sucks that this is what it took. But I’ve never been happier NOT WORKING. I hope this fits the sub lmao

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