
Is this harassment?

EDIT: Ok not like harassment in the legal sense but idk targeted or something?? Idk! Idk if I'm even valid for feeling upset Hi y'all! I work a gov job that's pretty easy and I just started a few months ago. The job is fine but my main issue is my boss. They are condescending and rude to me and it seems like I'm the only person who gets this attitude, this pass aggressive nonsense. Examples of issues include: Telling me to ask questions and then when I do ask ie “where would I find this typically on this document” or “if this is x and so that is y then why is that” or they'll be like “uhHH well you should know blah blah” or “umm because…” Or “WHY would it be that??” And just unnecessary passiveness when they could just give me a straight answer They DO NOT…

EDIT: Ok not like harassment in the legal sense but idk targeted or something?? Idk! Idk if I'm even valid for feeling upset

Hi y'all! I work a gov job that's pretty easy and I just started a few months ago. The job is fine but my main issue is my boss.

They are condescending and rude to me and it seems like I'm the only person who gets this attitude, this pass aggressive nonsense.

Examples of issues include:

Telling me to ask questions and then when I do ask ie “where would I find this typically on this document” or “if this is x and so that is y then why is that” or they'll be like “uhHH well you should know blah blah” or “umm because…” Or “WHY would it be that??” And just unnecessary passiveness when they could just give me a straight answer

They DO NOT ACT THIS WAY TOWARD ANY OTHER WORKER, we all sit in cubicles and I overhear them talking to my coworkers all cheery and they'll go over stuff and she'll be understanding of their questions and not be rude and is actually appreciative of them asking questions whereas I'm treated as if I'm a complete dumbass

When going through things they'll point out stuff I already know and am doing and it just feels so unnecessary to rehash every little thing as if I don't know how to do any of this

Sometimes I'll have a mistake and she'll pretty much go around telling all the coworkers “so and so did this and we need to not do this and clean it up because it is such a mess uGH”

I feel like I wasn't properly trained and so I'm left to ask a ton of questions but sometimes idk what to even ask for and that gets me in trouble later on

They're generally pleasant to me when it comes to small talk which is rare but it's so confusing because they are a completely different person when I'm simply asking questions

They get onto me for miniscule things like when I came into the office even though I was scheduled out of office and it was because the mass email was completely confusing about an in office day and a lot of other people came in as well. In a group email to me and my department they were like “blah blah check your schedules please!!” And it's just so annoying and humiliating I get thrown under for something so fucking trivial

I know it seems like I'm just complaining and I'm a bad employee but I keep to myself and do my work and I got even good a evaluation from them so I'm completely confused as to why there is this almost targeted thing against me.

IDK what to do and I guess I just need advice or feedback or whatever

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