
Tried to resign today, got sent home instead

I work for a large outpatient specialist clinic. I’ve been with the practice for over 8 years, have been lead Nurse for the last 6 of those years. For the year leading up to covid, and all the time since, we have struggled greatly with staffing- in all the ancillary positions…. As you probably already guessed, it’s due largely to underpayment. I have a solid nursing team, great minded, driven, hard working ladies & gents. We are also very underpaid. We have not replaced any nursing positions in just over 3 years. We absorb the blow of losing someone & keep it moving. We have no choice but to keep rolling bc the work never stops- people need care… and that has without a doubt been taken advantage of. Last week the board of directors decided to take a vote if we were going to open a primary care practice…

I work for a large outpatient specialist clinic. I’ve been with the practice for over 8 years, have been lead Nurse for the last 6 of those years. For the year leading up to covid, and all the time since, we have struggled greatly with staffing- in all the ancillary positions…. As you probably already guessed, it’s due largely to underpayment.

I have a solid nursing team, great minded, driven, hard working ladies & gents. We are also very underpaid. We have not replaced any nursing positions in just over 3 years. We absorb the blow of losing someone & keep it moving. We have no choice but to keep rolling bc the work never stops- people need care… and that has without a doubt been taken advantage of.

Last week the board of directors decided to take a vote if we were going to open a primary care practice (again we are specialist clinic). The board voted no, but our medical director overruled the vote & said this is what he wants. There was little pushback & we have a physician under contract to open A primary practice out of our clinic. The physician they are under contract with, just finished his fellowship with us & HE WAS TERRIBLE. We train a different physician annually, from our fellowship program- he has been by far the WORST!!! We were literally counting down the days to the end of his fellowship. But, here we are- him under contract to open his practice early next month. This is literally the straw that broke the camels back. Plain & simple corporate greed at its finest. The only goal with opening this practice, is not to be able to provide good care to ppl in need, it’s a straight up cash grab. I’ve put up with chronic underpayment & chronic understaffing bc I believed I was making a difference & helping care for those in need- despite all the politics surrounding our big business.

After speaking through this with my husband & taking a hard look at our finances, we came to the decision, I could part ways if I wanted. I do. It wasn’t a super easy decision to come to- we have kids & our bills don’t stop… and I’m actually really good at my job, and at one time, I really enjoyed going to work there.

Today, I met with my boss to submit my resignation. He kept telling me to hold on & things would get better, and to try & compartmentalize my feelings & emotions, to just push through. Think of my team, etc. I was like yeah, I have tried & I do think of them- but what about me? What good am I to my patients & team if I’m beat down mentally & emotionally? Not to mention the toll it takes on my home. He told me go home, rethink my decision & if I still want to resign he will forward my letter to HR tmrw. I came home drained & took a nap (which is a rarity for me), and woke feeling conflicted. largely due to feeling guilty for bailing on my team- they understand my rationale, but I know they will suffer as a result. Ultimately, still leaning towards leaving.

Outside looking in, what are your thoughts?

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