
The society we have built cannot sustain itself.

I (32M) have been working my ass off since I was 17 to get to a position that was above where my parents were. They were working class poor my entire life. I've worked hard, worked 60+ hour weeks, and have made good choices about not borrowing money my entire life. 5 months ago I received a job that pays really well. I make about 6k a month which is not what I'm complaining about – my hard work paid off in the long run. The problem is, I want to buy a house because I don't want to pay someone else's mortgage anymore. I want my own place my wife (34F) and I can call home. Recently our landlord decided to raise our rent to an obnoxious level for a place that doesn't even have an oven in it, so I went to a bunch of lenders looking for…

I (32M) have been working my ass off since I was 17 to get to a position that was above where my parents were. They were working class poor my entire life. I've worked hard, worked 60+ hour weeks, and have made good choices about not borrowing money my entire life.

5 months ago I received a job that pays really well. I make about 6k a month which is not what I'm complaining about – my hard work paid off in the long run. The problem is, I want to buy a house because I don't want to pay someone else's mortgage anymore. I want my own place my wife (34F) and I can call home.

Recently our landlord decided to raise our rent to an obnoxious level for a place that doesn't even have an oven in it, so I went to a bunch of lenders looking for a mortgage and none can give me one even with me making the money I'm making because it's in a different industry than my last job and it's 100% commission. That's fine, we decided to deal with that and rent another place for another year before buying to stack up funds.

The biggest problem is, I cannot rent a place with my wife on the lease because she ALSO has to make 3.5x the rent on top of me making WELL over 3.5x the rent. The rent is 1500. Humor me with math for a second (not my strong suit) 1500×3=4500. How many fucking people are realistically making 4500 a month? Not many people I know. So now I have to lie to these property managers and pretend it's just me renting the place. It has to be my name on everything. They can't know she's there.

I am the most successful person I know and we could very well be homeless in 2 weeks, because the rental stipulations are absolutely out if control. Mind you the house I want to rent was bought in 2005 for $70k.

So please tell me how the problem is eating avocado toast. We need to get these geezers out of office. We need real reform if we are going to reform or a straight up boycott of living in society. These fucking boomers are telling us how hard they had it at the same time absolutely sucking us dry. The irony is so thick you could cut it with a knife.

This can't sustain itself. Workers can't afford to live in the areas they work in.

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