
So my colleague just guilt tripped me that I didn’t give enough notice. I gave 30 days and my new job starts after 40 days…

I really should have only given them 2 weeks but my contract stated 30 days, and I thought I'd want to leave the door open “just in case” Well, my colleague calls me out of the blue (he often acts like my manager), and tells me that they should increase the required notice on the contract, since filling this position can take 6 months. And… what do you want me to do about that? How is it my fault the recruitment process is inefficient and shit? Besides, it's hilarious how I gave my notice 30 days ago but they released the job posting online 8 days ago. Not to mention they have outsourced their background checks and these things take so long that some colleagues needed 2 months to pass theirs. Again, I wonder how is this my fault in any way? I explained to him that I can't give…

I really should have only given them 2 weeks but my contract stated 30 days, and I thought I'd want to leave the door open “just in case”

Well, my colleague calls me out of the blue (he often acts like my manager), and tells me that they should increase the required notice on the contract, since filling this position can take 6 months. And… what do you want me to do about that? How is it my fault the recruitment process is inefficient and shit?

Besides, it's hilarious how I gave my notice 30 days ago but they released the job posting online 8 days ago. Not to mention they have outsourced their background checks and these things take so long that some colleagues needed 2 months to pass theirs.

Again, I wonder how is this my fault in any way? I explained to him that I can't give more notice since my new job starts shortly after this one. And the reply was “well yes but you could have given your notice a little earlier so we wouldn't be so understaffed”.

I'm tired and so glad I'm finally leaving…

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