
If you ever wanted evidence that the entire economic system is complete lies; The Russian ruble is today at the strongest it’s been in 7 years

Title says it all, the Russian ruble tanked the moment war was declared / never declared because it's a special operation and modern countries don't like the PR around declaring war anymore (although the West prefers calling them peace keeping missions). And yet, in the past 5 months, despite the cost of war, companies pulling infrastructure and investment out of the country, the country defaulting on debt, and sanctions forcing them to find worse deals for their exports while also not being able to import necessary commodities and modern tech, despite all this owning the ruble has made you almost 50% richer in the past year (converting to the pound). In every measurable real world metric the country is worse off now than before and will be increasingly worse off as time continues and yet imaginary line defiantly goes up. So when our governments want to blame 'the economy' as…

Title says it all, the Russian ruble tanked the moment war was declared / never declared because it's a special operation and modern countries don't like the PR around declaring war anymore (although the West prefers calling them peace keeping missions).

And yet, in the past 5 months, despite the cost of war, companies pulling infrastructure and investment out of the country, the country defaulting on debt, and sanctions forcing them to find worse deals for their exports while also not being able to import necessary commodities and modern tech, despite all this owning the ruble has made you almost 50% richer in the past year (converting to the pound).

In every measurable real world metric the country is worse off now than before and will be increasingly worse off as time continues and yet imaginary line defiantly goes up.

So when our governments want to blame 'the economy' as a catch all reason why we can't have nice things or even basic human rights just remember that it's all complete bullshit.

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