
Scare tactic/hearsay: Companies deciding to permanently stop appraisals for remote workers

There are articles that have started floating around the internet that companies in India are announcing that remote workers will not get any appraisal/increment in their salary if they choose to work remotely. Be aware that such articles are being published by various company management to spread misinformation among people and force them into office prison. The gullible and less experienced people are the ones who will believe in such articles and might arrive at a decision that they will regret later. Spreading awareness is the only way everyone can make sure ethical work practices are followed.

There are articles that have started floating around the internet that companies in India are announcing that remote workers will not get any appraisal/increment in their salary if they choose to work remotely.

Be aware that such articles are being published by various company management to spread misinformation among people and force them into office prison. The gullible and less experienced people are the ones who will believe in such articles and might arrive at a decision that they will regret later.

Spreading awareness is the only way everyone can make sure ethical work practices are followed.

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