
Venting: Hate my job, even though it’s not that bad.

My job is really not too bad, but I'm miserable in it. It's mostly that the environment is uncomfortable and that I'm not suited for this type of work. I can't stand being in a windowless room typing on a computer for 8 hours a day. I've been doing this for 1 year now and my eyes hurt, I've had to get glasses because it's damaging my vision, and my circadian rhythm is messed up and I don't sleep well at night and I've never had that problem before. The people I work with are snooty and uppity. They're very elitist and think they're above most people (academia). The pay is kind of shitty but it is technically livable. I end up with about $2,000 a month after tax, so it's enough to pay my rent and bills, but not enough to get ahead or ever be able to afford…

My job is really not too bad, but I'm miserable in it. It's mostly that the environment is uncomfortable and that I'm not suited for this type of work. I can't stand being in a windowless room typing on a computer for 8 hours a day. I've been doing this for 1 year now and my eyes hurt, I've had to get glasses because it's damaging my vision, and my circadian rhythm is messed up and I don't sleep well at night and I've never had that problem before. The people I work with are snooty and uppity. They're very elitist and think they're above most people (academia). The pay is kind of shitty but it is technically livable. I end up with about $2,000 a month after tax, so it's enough to pay my rent and bills, but not enough to get ahead or ever be able to afford a down payment on a house.

It's not a bad job, but I'm miserable being trapped inside, slowly losing my eyesight, feeling alienated in a group of negative people, and feeling like I'm trading my health and happiness just to pay to live a mediocre life.

I'm saving as hard as I can with hopes to relocate to a better city (mine is super polluted and high crime, the murder rate is 3x the national average) and find a happier line of work. I'm keeping my eyes open and trying to think of creative, practical solutions. But in the meantime, I just really needed to vent. Glad this sub exists.

Stay strong out there everyone, wishing you lots of happiness and health.

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