
It’s like the only acceptable way to work is to be a slave

I am a project manager. So while not in sales, I do have a customer I am expected to be very responsive to. I accept that to what I think is a reasonable degree. I make myself highly available to him. If he calls me, and I am unable to answer, I either shoot him a text or call him back as soon as I am able. I, in general, bust my ass at work. But today we had what I can only describe as a “Come to Jesus” conversation (from his perspective) where he basically griped at me about my and my team’s availability. That we are not responsive enough to his needs, in a nutshell. He literally wants us at his beck and call all the time. He griped about other things as well, gave me unsolicited “personal professional development” advice. It was all so aggravating because he…

I am a project manager. So while not in sales, I do have a customer I am expected to be very responsive to.

I accept that to what I think is a reasonable degree. I make myself highly available to him. If he calls me, and I am unable to answer, I either shoot him a text or call him back as soon as I am able. I, in general, bust my ass at work.

But today we had what I can only describe as a “Come to Jesus” conversation (from his perspective) where he basically griped at me about my and my team’s availability. That we are not responsive enough to his needs, in a nutshell. He literally wants us at his beck and call all the time. He griped about other things as well, gave me unsolicited “personal professional development” advice. It was all so aggravating because he is so, so scatter brained and inconsiderate. He was accusing me of things I just flat out do not do.

And it’s just like…you can’t win. You try to go above and beyond. Accept criticism and try to improve. Try to be as accommodating as possible. And still, it will never be enough for some people. They just want you to be their prison bitch.

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