
Not quite sure where to begin.

Two days ago my husband was laid off from a job site (union employee). He is combat wounded and permanently disabled- he sustained brain damage to the area of the brain that processes sound, so his hearing is almost nonexistent. He receives all of his healthcare through the United States VA. The VA here has been so overwhelmed that it’s difficult to get an appointment. All of his medical appointments have been during working hours (doctors here are 9-5). Its unusual to have flexibility with scheduling- the VA usually tells him when his appointments will be). The foreman on the job sites has given my husband permission to attend these appointments. The owner of the company that is running the job site laid him off because he needed time off for these appointments (at MOST its been 3 appts per month). The company owner has never spoken to him with…

Two days ago my husband was laid off from a job site (union employee). He is combat wounded and permanently disabled- he sustained brain damage to the area of the brain that processes sound, so his hearing is almost nonexistent. He receives all of his healthcare through the United States VA. The VA here has been so overwhelmed that it’s difficult to get an appointment. All of his medical appointments have been during working hours (doctors here are 9-5). Its unusual to have flexibility with scheduling- the VA usually tells him when his appointments will be). The foreman on the job sites has given my husband permission to attend these appointments. The owner of the company that is running the job site laid him off because he needed time off for these appointments (at MOST its been 3 appts per month). The company owner has never spoken to him with concerns about his appointments. He called the union manager who assigns people to the job sites. The union manager put him on a waiting list for other job sites that need workers. However, the union manager made the comment “This is how you get a bad reputation. Maybe try working for a job site that is more willing to work with you?” (This is the same person who ASSIGNS PEOPLE TO JOB SITES). My spouse is ineligible for unemployment, as am I, as I am a stay at home parent now for our disabled child. Called an attorney for advice, but we are panicking. My husband has a Purple Heart, and eventually, he will be totally deaf. He’s taking this hard. Any input appreciated.

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