
I have been losing hours and can’t do anything about it

Just found out today about what my boss has been doing. I work a blue collar job outside, and the particular position I’m in calls for me to hit about 8-10 locations per day. I found out today that for most locations, I’m apparently only allocated 30-45 minutes per area. And the time I’ve been going over has just been scrapped. I work up to 11-12 hours a day, 5 days a week. Yet if a location takes me an hour and a half to two hours to complete, I only get that 45 minute allocation on my paycheck. I lost almost an hour today alone. And I have no idea how long this has been going on for. Of course, it was over a phone call so I have no evidence. Doesn’t help that the reason I can’t be given the right hours on my check is because the…

Just found out today about what my boss has been doing. I work a blue collar job outside, and the particular position I’m in calls for me to hit about 8-10 locations per day. I found out today that for most locations, I’m apparently only allocated 30-45 minutes per area. And the time I’ve been going over has just been scrapped. I work up to 11-12 hours a day, 5 days a week. Yet if a location takes me an hour and a half to two hours to complete, I only get that 45 minute allocation on my paycheck.

I lost almost an hour today alone. And I have no idea how long this has been going on for. Of course, it was over a phone call so I have no evidence. Doesn’t help that the reason I can’t be given the right hours on my check is because the owner of the business will chew my boss’s ass out just because I’m a little slower. Meaning, I don’t get my hours because my boss doesn’t want to get yelled at.

The owner is super hot headed and I don’t know how he hasn’t had a heart attack with how crazy he acts when angry, but it doesn’t help that I work this position alone and I was never officially trained. Just kinda watched others do similar stuff and figured it out on my own. I’ve never done this type of job in my life so it’s an adjustment as well

I’ve only been working with this company for a little over two months now and the money is great but I can’t believe that I’ve been working god knows how many hours for free. I’m moving away from the area in a little over a month so I’m not trying to get myself into any negative situations with my supervisors as well because I work with a majority of men while I’m only 20F

I hate existing

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