
Shall we start doing something? But, seriously, shall we?

We are playing a game we cannot win. It's been rigged since before we were born and we were born into it and forced to play it. There's no way we can win the game by playing it because there isn't an actual democracy in it. I've seen some posts on this sub saying the American left should get armed and plenty people saying that it's time for a revolution. To be honest with you, I started coming to this sub because it felt good to finally find a bubble where people's beliefs are aligned with my own. Believe me or not, but I've been antiwork since before high school and it felt really good coming here and starting to believe the revolution might be closer than I initially thought. But it isn't, is it? Every day we are closer to a breaking point. Every day shit gets worse and…

We are playing a game we cannot win. It's been rigged since before we were born and we were born into it and forced to play it. There's no way we can win the game by playing it because there isn't an actual democracy in it. I've seen some posts on this sub saying the American left should get armed and plenty people saying that it's time for a revolution.
To be honest with you, I started coming to this sub because it felt good to finally find a bubble where people's beliefs are aligned with my own. Believe me or not, but I've been antiwork since before high school and it felt really good coming here and starting to believe the revolution might be closer than I initially thought.
But it isn't, is it? Every day we are closer to a breaking point. Every day shit gets worse and people get more and more angry. But are we really starting a revolution? The cost seems too high, there's still stuff to lose, leftists are hard to organize because they are dissident by nature, the odds of failure are huge and there are probably more reasons to why it is taking so long for us to actually turn things around by force.

So, we cannot win the game by playing it and it's going to be hard and painful to turn the table and shatter the pieces. I am writing this post to propose a third way. I do not know if it is possible or viable. I don't know if it has been attempted. I don't know if it would work or not. I don't know if it will get someone killed.

But… Why don't we just collectively get up from the game table and start our own game?

And how do we do that? There are two million people on this sub. 10% of us is already 200k people, that's twice the amount of Google's employees. Why don't we (a few of us) band together to form our own co-op company? We could have a universal wage (a la Madeleine Pendleton), a 4(or less)-day workweek, and the possibility for the company's employees to aquire any products or services the company provides at the price of their cost. We would be able to compete because more and more people are starting to care about the ethics on the production of what they buy and to whom their money goes, and there would be no wage gaps or prizes for CEOs, so all income would go straight to make the company larger by making it possible for more people to join. The idea would be to change the capitalist paradigm and build a co-op whose growth doesn't depend on profits but on people willing to join in. The more people you have willing to contribute to a cause, the stronger the cause becomes, and if people start realizing their needs are met by joining a collective of people helping each other, each according to their ability, more people will join and we might eventually drain other companies of their employees.

I might be wrong but we have enough people here to start this. There are people here from all fields of work. And I bet there are people here able to make or contribute to the initial investment required. We can start by polling people to see who's really interested and what they are able/willing to help with. There are people here that work(ed) on HR and management and have organizing skills to help this happen.

We could start as small as a cafe or an online essential oil seller, whatever (the starting business type doesn't really matter), I believe that we would eventually be able to have restaurants/canteens and clinics and maybe even a construction department to provide housing.

Maybe this is just me daydreaming, maybe none of this works and if so, I'm sure someone will tell me why in the comments. (My knowledge of economics is limited, whoever knows why it wouldn't work, please comment.) But can't we really just start our own thing? Our own socialist organization that will slowly become the preferred option for people for they are treated like actual people for once?
Am I alone? Is anyone with me?

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