
Company promoted the wrong people, added daily meetings, threatened to make us all come back to the office, and then compared themselves to Oprah for bringing our salary up to $45k/year

Self explanatory Our company gets your auto insurance to pay the hospital after a car accident. If you don't file, the hospital doesn't get paid, and then we don't get paid. Our revenue is super low at the moment. Wednesday, they told us that they created new roles with new managers to report to. My direct lead is now a micromanaging anti vaxxer. Company is making us have daily “huddles” even when we work from home three days a week. Our cameras have to be on during these meetings. The COO also imitated the Oprah meme “You get a raise! You get a raise! Everyone gets a raise!” It's important to note that the amount of the raise was never publicly explained, but that the COO wanted to talk to everyone individually about their salary. (Red. Flag.) I already had one foot out the door but was trying to get…

Self explanatory

Our company gets your auto insurance to pay the hospital after a car accident. If you don't file, the hospital doesn't get paid, and then we don't get paid. Our revenue is super low at the moment.

Wednesday, they told us that they created new roles with new managers to report to. My direct lead is now a micromanaging anti vaxxer. Company is making us have daily “huddles” even when we work from home three days a week. Our cameras have to be on during these meetings. The COO also imitated the Oprah meme “You get a raise! You get a raise! Everyone gets a raise!” It's important to note that the amount of the raise was never publicly explained, but that the COO wanted to talk to everyone individually about their salary. (Red. Flag.)

I already had one foot out the door but was trying to get us a better wage starting a month before this meeting. One girl told us how at her old job they all managed to get a $3 raise by banding together, not even as a union. Just by being on the same page. We ran with that. There were five of us who came up with what we wanted. I wrote a letter citing inflation, cost of living, etc. We got 8 signatures ( company is under 50 people) but never turned the letter over because we wanted more people on board.

Even though there was a group of us, I was singled out and asked by management why we wouldn't go to them directly with our concerns one on one. I explained strength in numbers and that the goal wasn't to advocate just for myself but for the whole team.

All of this happened Wednesday after the whole
you get a raise and a new micromanaging culture meeting and management then told me that the teammates that had signed on to try to request more money (and signed a letter to the same effect) had complained I was making them uncomfortable.

So, fuck it. I've blocked teammates on socials and have a phone interview today somewhere else offering $5 more per hour. I took yesterday afternoon off and today as well. I have over a hundred accounts that need to be done but I don't care. Our company doesn't help people or patients, we only help the hospitals make more money.

Just needed to get that off my chest. Thanks for reading this far.

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