
I’ve been sexually harassed a lot at my old job and now I’m unemployed for unrelated reasons. And I just wanna say, the job hunt has been 100x more degrading than the harassment.

Not super sure if this even fits the sub but holy shit i'm on the edge of breaking just looking for a job. I get lots of interviewers, the interviewers say I interview well, and then comes the rejection letter. Repeat dozens of times, on positions I'm qualified for, positions I'm overqualified for. My life is on hold just looking for something, anything related to my field, but it's been months and this is tearing me apart. in regards to title, that's not to diminish anyone else's experience btw, i know it's different for everyone

Not super sure if this even fits the sub but holy shit i'm on the edge of breaking just looking for a job. I get lots of interviewers, the interviewers say I interview well, and then comes the rejection letter. Repeat dozens of times, on positions I'm qualified for, positions I'm overqualified for. My life is on hold just looking for something, anything related to my field, but it's been months and this is tearing me apart.

in regards to title, that's not to diminish anyone else's experience btw, i know it's different for everyone

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