
Last day on the job.

After five years working in a trades company I handed my resignation and 4 weeks notice. My last day was supposed to be next Tuesday. I was planning to organize the van during the weekend because some tools belong to me and there’s a lot of stuff in that van. I was also planing to say goodbye to everyone I’ve worked with the last five years, and was actually leaving on good terms. Today I spent the day in the office to finish some paperwork and two of my directors were there all day aswell. They pulled me aside 15min before everyone leaves and tell me this was my last day and I need to leave the van because they can’t trust me to come back next week. Like who the fuck does this? I had to rush taking my stuff out, everyone left by then I didn’t get to…

After five years working in a trades company I handed my resignation and 4 weeks notice. My last day was supposed to be next Tuesday. I was planning to organize the van during the weekend because some tools belong to me and there’s a lot of stuff in that van. I was also planing to say goodbye to everyone I’ve worked with the last five years, and was actually leaving on good terms. Today I spent the day in the office to finish some paperwork and two of my directors were there all day aswell. They pulled me aside 15min before everyone leaves and tell me this was my last day and I need to leave the van because they can’t trust me to come back next week. Like who the fuck does this? I had to rush taking my stuff out, everyone left by then I didn’t get to say goodbye to anyone and after five years being consistently one of the top engineers in the company I’m treated with zero decency. One of the directors had the nerve of saying he will call me if they need help with anything in the weeks ahead. Wtf man…

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