
Incredible salary. Effortless interview. Resigned in 5 days, Or: The tale of an American in an Indian software sweatshop’s US Office, Or: Please help me not internalize that being Indian means you’re evil

Never have I experienced so much abuse and general incompetence in such a short time that felt that I would be dead, homeless, or both then go another day. And that's only after 5 days. On day 1, I, a new engineer hired with (and for, you would assume, right?) 20 years of experience, got a list of assignments I was to do and turn in (yes: turn in, yes homework, yes, assignments) for what amounted to more than 40 hours of pre-college level back-of-the-chapter homework “exercises”. The textbook, however, was written by another now promoted Indian dev with 5 years of experience in indecipherable grammar and so full of errors that they were not solvable even after you inferred what was “meant” by them. I was subject to various manipulations and toxicity where it seemed like you not only could do no right, but every word was a lie…

Never have I experienced so much abuse and general incompetence in such a short time that felt that I would be dead, homeless, or both then go another day.

And that's only after 5 days.

On day 1, I, a new engineer hired with (and for, you would assume, right?) 20 years of experience, got a list of assignments I was to do and turn in (yes: turn in, yes homework, yes, assignments) for what amounted to more than 40 hours of pre-college level back-of-the-chapter homework “exercises”. The textbook, however, was written by another now promoted Indian dev with 5 years of experience in indecipherable grammar and so full of errors that they were not solvable even after you inferred what was “meant” by them.

I was subject to various manipulations and toxicity where it seemed like you not only could do no right, but every word was a lie and the only way to survive was to figure out how the deception was played. For everything I was asked to do I was later asked not to do. Even compliance was impossible as the orders themselves weren't even clear and always shifted.

I was even reprimanded for not allowing team members to draw upon their “resources” for questions after I helped out a TEAMMEMBER on this… god, his homework.

It took me until now to realize that those resources never existed, were never mentioned so therefore could never be known, and we were encouraged to collaborate if we had any questions.

I expressed my confusion, reached what I thought was a mutual understanding, and was then tasked with rewriting the instructions/training/slave homework into something more appropriate and told I no longer needed to do said homework since it wasn't prudent for experienced developers. I worked on it one day until…

On day 5 (today) I arrive at the slum of an office to find an email written by the “manager” at midnight ranting and taking me off said work and literally ordering me to, his words, “obey his process and of which there the no discussion on points” and to not disrupt process.

I was literally tasked with rewriting, taken off of, then told to do the very process I was told I was disrupting. How the fuck

Speechless, but already prepared for this, I said hello to the HR lady (one of 5 people in the office with room for 40 and broken HVAC), gave her my keycard and said I'm resigning.

I later learned that the entire office quit en masse a year ago. It may not have been the first mass quitting. Somehow, they haven't fired the management responsible.

What the fuck just happened to me?

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