
Finding a new job is the most miserable fucking thing in life.

It's the worst. There's a thousand different websites for finding jobs, each job has 1000 other people applying for it so you never get called back. Obviously there's all these other places that have openings, but they're not posting them where you're looking, so the job you'd be a good fit for just never comes your way. Then when you do fill out job applications it's the same bullshit that you typed in the last application. All your qualifications and experience, your past addresses, etc. over and over and over, and for nothing. And as you get more desperate and start applying for places you DON'T want to work, the applications only get harder because you have to answer psychological bullshit questions about what kind of muffin you'd like to be if you could be one, or how many seconds you're supposed to smile at customers, or if you strongly…

It's the worst. There's a thousand different websites for finding jobs, each job has 1000 other people applying for it so you never get called back. Obviously there's all these other places that have openings, but they're not posting them where you're looking, so the job you'd be a good fit for just never comes your way. Then when you do fill out job applications it's the same bullshit that you typed in the last application. All your qualifications and experience, your past addresses, etc. over and over and over, and for nothing. And as you get more desperate and start applying for places you DON'T want to work, the applications only get harder because you have to answer psychological bullshit questions about what kind of muffin you'd like to be if you could be one, or how many seconds you're supposed to smile at customers, or if you strongly agree that stealing from the company is a good thing.

I hate looking for a new job.

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