
Shop Supervisor for Goodyear

This happened about a month ago but I figured I’d share it here. I currently have an all right job, pay is all right but the icing on the cake is that I only work 3 days a week but get paid for a 5 day week. However, really want to get out of this job and look for a more long term career. Fast forward to that next morning… I see a listing for Shop Supervisor for Goodyear to do full service on semis. Hm, I have about two years of diesel experience so I give it a shot. BOOM! Landed an interview. Mind you, on the application it says “shop supervisor”. Below that it showed the average pay for this position and it was significantly more than my currently job. Whatever. I show up to the job interview at the scheduled time. I shit you not I get…

This happened about a month ago but I figured I’d share it here. I currently have an all right job, pay is all right but the icing on the cake is that I only work 3 days a week but get paid for a 5 day week. However, really want to get out of this job and look for a more long term career.

Fast forward to that next morning… I see a listing for Shop Supervisor for Goodyear to do full service on semis. Hm, I have about two years of diesel experience so I give it a shot.

BOOM! Landed an interview.

Mind you, on the application it says “shop supervisor”. Below that it showed the average pay for this position and it was significantly more than my currently job.

Whatever. I show up to the job interview at the scheduled time. I shit you not I get there a little early around 10:50 for the 11:00 AM interview. The interviewer isn’t there. Turns out she’s 40 minutes out. Huge red flag instantly. Whatever, I get shit happens so I decide to give her a chance. Mistake.

She gets there and when I say this was the most unprofessional shit ever I mean it.

First off, the job isn’t for a “supervisor position”. That’s what they called it but it would be just me and one other guy, who would be over me. They try the whole “well were building it up and trying to get more business” bullshit.

At this point, I’m checked out. The only way I’ll work here is if I shoot the moon and hit. So pay comes up. Quite frankly, $33/hr to me is PERFECTLY fair if you expect me to stand on the side of I-70 to make you money. Done it before won’t for $10/hr (fuck Love’s travel stops).

She said most we can do is $23/hr… so let me get this straight. $23/hr to work 5 days a week, on call on the weekend & during the week day nights, and the job is not the one advertised. Fuck you. Never said no to a job so quick.

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