
someone please tell me what I’m missing

I dont know if this belongs here. But I literally cannot figure this out and am in crisis. Ill layout a little background- had a baby this feb she spent 2 months in NICU after facing near death, car wreck after, got another car, then bf loses his job. He was a top employee, emp of month, bonuses, blahblah you get it. His company was threatened to be dropped by their insurance, they agreed to keep them if they cracked down and did XYZ. So employees paid the price. They had to get rid of a few employees, his reasons for termination were things that every employee does, and is ALLOWED to do. A few bs reasons to get rid of someone to please insurers. Why get rid of an employee doing really well and bringing profit to your company? No idea. But I have some good hard evidence to…

I dont know if this belongs here. But I literally cannot figure this out and am in crisis.

Ill layout a little background- had a baby this feb she spent 2 months in NICU after facing near death, car wreck after, got another car, then bf loses his job. He was a top employee, emp of month, bonuses, blahblah you get it. His company was threatened to be dropped by their insurance, they agreed to keep them if they cracked down and did XYZ. So employees paid the price. They had to get rid of a few employees, his reasons for termination were things that every employee does, and is ALLOWED to do. A few bs reasons to get rid of someone to please insurers. Why get rid of an employee doing really well and bringing profit to your company? No idea. But I have some good hard evidence to show the labor n wage board/dept.

ANYWHO- thats the background. He got let go out of nowhere, after a already hard year. And we spent all of last year doing everything right. Working, saving, preparing for baby, doing everything we could do. (After 2020 was spent recovering from a car wreck that almost killed bf and physically disabled us both but we bounced back)

So now…. Its been a month and it's been horrible. Barely could pay the rent. Have nothing from dealing with everything the years thrown at us. Applied for 100s of jobs with maybe a few interviews leading to nothing. Barely have gas. Family can help a little. Food stamps feeds us.

So my question…. How are some of yall doing it? I see people quitting their shitty jobs, i see the great resignation (and agree with it's meaning and this sub) i see “closed not enough employees” so whats the secret? How are yall making it? Quitting shitty jobs, being without work… We are looking at being homeless with a baby. And I've never felt more defeated after all we overcame.

Im prob just venting but i feel like im seeing so much FK YOU SHITTY JOB I QUIT and wondering how people are still making it.. While idk how I'm gonna pay rent or keep my phone on, provide for my child. We've gotten thru so many bumps, but this one hit hard and fast and i cant find grounding.

How is the world making it while refusing to work for shitty jobs n people?

Im anxious n idk if I'm making sense
I just dont understand how to survive

Whats yalls secret? Help. Sos.

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