
Laid off with no notice

Some of you may remember my post from a few days ago regarding my boss' pizza party in response to low morale. But for those who don't, here's a brief summary. Lately, things in my workplace have been shit. Our boss treats everybody like crap, constantly yelling, condescending, hovering and expecting us to be out in 100 degree heat even after all tasks are complete for no better reason than “we're being paid.” Note, this is not the owner or anything but merely a manager. This has instilled low morale and a lack of given fucks in everybody. Manager must have taken notice because he called us all to an impromptu meeting last week and asked us what was wrong. I, the senior man present, decided to speak up and diplomaticaly and respectfully communicated our concerns about treatment and low morale. I also explained that better morale would improve productivity…

Some of you may remember my post from a few days ago regarding my boss' pizza party in response to low morale. But for those who don't, here's a brief summary.

Lately, things in my workplace have been shit. Our boss treats everybody like crap, constantly yelling, condescending, hovering and expecting us to be out in 100 degree heat even after all tasks are complete for no better reason than “we're being paid.” Note, this is not the owner or anything but merely a manager. This has instilled low morale and a lack of given fucks in everybody. Manager must have taken notice because he called us all to an impromptu meeting last week and asked us what was wrong. I, the senior man present, decided to speak up and diplomaticaly and respectfully communicated our concerns about treatment and low morale. I also explained that better morale would improve productivity and motivation. He told us that he does nothing wrong, that he has stressors in his life, and that we just need to deal with his outbursts and mood swings. He told us we need to grow “man skin”. Finally he concluded the conversation by stating that he understands our concerns and would do his best to address them.

That all went out the window when the next day I came in and he wrote “morale boosting pizza party” on Friday's spot on the calendar.

Fast forward two days later, I come in to take a water break after completing all my tasks in 100 degree heat. I'm pulled into the office and simply told “Today is your last day.” When I asked why I was told it's because we've been slow lately and I'm the only part time employee. (Side note, I was full time previously and temporarily reduced to part time due to some mental health issues on the basis that I could return to full time whenever I felt ready. When I requested to go back to full time I was told no. I stated that we had an agreement, I was told that doesn't mean anything. Scumbags.) When I told my boss I knew that was a load of bullshit and we both know the real reason, he walked away without saying anything. Coward. I have gone above and beyond for this company, coming in early, coming in sick to ensure coverage, filling in for my manager, taking on multiple roles. All without any additional compensation. One guy is late literally everyday, one guy uses drugs in the workplace and constantly refuses to do what he's told, one guy throws a literal tantrum when he doesn't get his way, and one guy has literally threatened people and brought weapons to work before. Yet I'm the one to let go. Because I respectfully communicated (when asked) that we would like to be treated better.

Fortunately I will survive this hit because I have a good amount of money in savings, my living situation doesn't cost me anything and I already had an upcoming interview for a much better job elsewhere (I was planning to give my old work 2 weeks notice… Hah!) But my point is this. Don't give any more than you receive in return. Fuck 2 weeks notices. You are replaceable and your work does not give a single fuck about you.

Stay woke.

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