
i got fired for taking a vacation

i put in a request for time off over a month ago and it was denied two weeks later even though i let my supervisor know everything was paid for. been in contact with the owners and HR since then with NO responses by HR. hell we aren’t even short staffed but i’m the only night cook/closer so i know my manager just doesn’t want to cover the shift. people in front of house have take. week long vacations even though they are SOO short staffed up there. i went in and worked a double for my manager yesterday. my vacation was supposed to start tomorrow and the schedule came out and i’m not even on it until saturday next week when i get back so i thought “dang they’re letting me take the vacation. nice.”nope. got the call this morning that if i don’t come in tomorrow ill be…

i put in a request for time off over a month ago and it was denied two weeks later even though i let my supervisor know everything was paid for. been in contact with the owners and HR since then with NO responses by HR. hell we aren’t even short staffed but i’m the only night cook/closer so i know my manager just doesn’t want to cover the shift. people in front of house have take. week long vacations even though they are SOO short staffed up there. i went in and worked a double for my manager yesterday. my vacation was supposed to start tomorrow and the schedule came out and i’m not even on it until saturday next week when i get back so i thought “dang they’re letting me take the vacation. nice.”nope. got the call this morning that if i don’t come in tomorrow ill be fired for job abandonment. asked if i could come in today to make up for tomorrow and they said i could but it wouldn’t make a difference. i’ve worked for this kitchen for over a year, even went to their fine dining restaurant to work there full time and then part time where i am now until they got better staff. i’ve done countless things for this place and this is how i get repaid. i LOVE cooking. i LOVED my job. but the lack of respect for OUR time is appalling. i find something i love doing and doesn’t even feel like a job and this shit happens. i’m sick of it

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