
Get ballsy since you don’t have an NDA

There's still this stigma of outting companies due to fear of getting sued. If the company is doing something they're not supposed to be doing, tell the world. If you didn't sign an NDA, you owe the company nothing. No privacy, no leeway, absolutely nothing. Name the company regardless of your situation. Why? There's laws against retaliation, and companies know this. Also, this helps not only you in the long run but anyone else who might be young or just doesn't know about the company. We as employees have a right to speak, period. We as employees should not fear a company, period. If a company doesn't want their dirty laundry aired they should've cleaned up, you're not at fault for their mistakes. Now let's get it there and do some damage!! We have rights too!

There's still this stigma of outting companies due to fear of getting sued. If the company is doing something they're not supposed to be doing, tell the world. If you didn't sign an NDA, you owe the company nothing. No privacy, no leeway, absolutely nothing. Name the company regardless of your situation. Why? There's laws against retaliation, and companies know this. Also, this helps not only you in the long run but anyone else who might be young or just doesn't know about the company.

We as employees have a right to speak, period. We as employees should not fear a company, period. If a company doesn't want their dirty laundry aired they should've cleaned up, you're not at fault for their mistakes.

Now let's get it there and do some damage!! We have rights too!

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