
40c weather, not allowed shorts.

It’s going to be 40c this week and I work in a school. My job is physically demanding in a room with machines pumping out hot air and no aircon in the building. This last week with sports days etc, I’ve been able to get away with a pair of black cargo shorts in my office but I’ve clearly been noticed. I just received a message from my boss telling me that the Head Teacher has been told to issue that ALL male staff will be wearing trousers and that if they had their ways it wouldn’t be the case but “you know the man, man”. I’m assuming this is to keep the kids who have been told they also have to be in full uniform from rioting. I’m sure the PE dept and female teachers will show the same solidarity /s I think I shall be finding the coldest…

It’s going to be 40c this week and I work in a school. My job is physically demanding in a room with machines pumping out hot air and no aircon in the building. This last week with sports days etc, I’ve been able to get away with a pair of black cargo shorts in my office but I’ve clearly been noticed. I just received a message from my boss telling me that the Head Teacher has been told to issue that ALL male staff will be wearing trousers and that if they had their ways it wouldn’t be the case but “you know the man, man”.

I’m assuming this is to keep the kids who have been told they also have to be in full uniform from rioting.
I’m sure the PE dept and female teachers will show the same solidarity /s
I think I shall be finding the coldest spot I can in my dept and staying put for the next 3 days.

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