
Is it just me or are bosses getting shittier to us?

The type of people who typically rise into positions of authority over other adults are by and large the same…in positions of dominance not because they are especially qualified but because they possess authoritarian traits. The biggest reason I left the school system wasn’t the kids that were out of control , it was the fact that admin were twice as demanding, heaping on unreasonable expectations without any support whatsoever, specifically taking up more time than we had to do the things they demanded but being completely unresponsive to how unrealistic their demands were. I tried to go back and teach summer school and it was even worse. We had six hours in two days to prepare for an entire summer term and expected to learn a whole new learning management system, run three brand new curriculum programs, and implement a brand new unprecedented system of behavior management. And they…

The type of people who typically rise into positions of authority over other adults are by and large the same…in positions of dominance not because they are especially qualified but because they possess authoritarian traits.

The biggest reason I left the school system wasn’t the kids that were out of control , it was the fact that admin were twice as demanding, heaping on unreasonable expectations without any support whatsoever, specifically taking up more time than we had to do the things they demanded but being completely unresponsive to how unrealistic their demands were.

I tried to go back and teach summer school and it was even worse. We had six hours in two days to prepare for an entire summer term and expected to learn a whole new learning management system, run three brand new curriculum programs, and implement a brand new unprecedented system of behavior management. And they expected it to be done and handled to perfection the day it started. No exceptions. No support, no understanding of how this was absolutely impossible.

Even at my shitty online teaching job. They try to make you work off the clock by attending meetings by saying this is expected for public school teachers but when people helpfully point out that public employees are salaried and classified as exempt and we are hourly based on contract hours specific to the classes we teach and this is illegal, these people are fired. They constantly ask you to “volunteer” to create content and lead trainings without pay. If you decline, well, you will never be anything more than a lowly hourly employee. Only people who prove themselves willing to work without pay any time they are asked are promoted.

And then I see so many of the screenshots here of obnoxious, disrespectful, oftentimes straight up illegal ways bosses are behaving.

I mean the fucking audacity. I feel like we have become the toilets of anyone higher up in positions than us and moreover, they’re taking bold pleasure in every opportunity they have to shit on us.

Has it gotten worse? Or has it always been this way and I am just now noticing? Or has it always been this way and it’s just that now for some reason they’ve all decided they don’t have to be subtle about it anymore?

There are few things I hate in this world than having some megalomaniac “in charge” of me.

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