
Trying to make your job easier or more efficient is not lazy.

We have label printers at work that are pretty nice. They even come with the option to add presets and commonly used ids. Unfortunately, none of these presets are anything even remotely used on a daily basis, and making changes requires a password that no one seems to know. So instead of typing a hundred of the same numbers every day, I attempted to find this password. Long story short, I got called lazy by a manager today, because I'm unwilling to punch the numbers in manually like they've always done. It's not lazy trying to make your job simpler. It IS lazy blowing your employees off, because you can't be bothered to try to solve a simple problem.

We have label printers at work that are pretty nice. They even come with the option to add presets and commonly used ids. Unfortunately, none of these presets are anything even remotely used on a daily basis, and making changes requires a password that no one seems to know. So instead of typing a hundred of the same numbers every day, I attempted to find this password.

Long story short, I got called lazy by a manager today, because I'm unwilling to punch the numbers in manually like they've always done. It's not lazy trying to make your job simpler. It IS lazy blowing your employees off, because you can't be bothered to try to solve a simple problem.

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