
Want to write me up if I don’t do what you say? Fine by me

Hello all. This happened a long time ago when I was a college student and had a part time job. It’s not and I quit story, but a small victory over a shitty manager. So when i was in college i got a part time job working at the movie theater. That job was super chill for a college student, plus i got to see all the movies for free with another person, still miss that job perk 🥺. So, I consider myself a likeable person, I don’t cause problems, I respect peoples points of views even if I disagree with them, if you need and extra hand at work I’ll gladly help out. One of the managers of the theater though didn’t seem to like me, let’s call him Rick. He was kind of an Ahole, but with me it seemed like he went the extra mile. To give…

Hello all. This happened a long time ago when I was a college student and had a part time job. It’s not and I quit story, but a small victory over a shitty manager.

So when i was in college i got a part time job working at the movie theater. That job was super chill for a college student, plus i got to see all the movies for free with another person, still miss that job perk 🥺.

So, I consider myself a likeable person, I don’t cause problems, I respect peoples points of views even if I disagree with them, if you need and extra hand at work I’ll gladly help out.

One of the managers of the theater though didn’t seem to like me, let’s call him Rick. He was kind of an Ahole, but with me it seemed like he went the extra mile. To give an example of his assholeness, there was this one time Rick was gonna go on vacation, and me trying to make some casual conversation we had an exchange that went like this:

Me: “Hey man, you’re on vacation next week, so you got anything planned or you’re just gonna relax at home?”

Rick: gives me a look as if I was beneath him and a little smirk “Since when do I have to tell you what i’m doing?”, and proceeds to walk away.

Me: …wtf?

Ok, now that you get the person I’m dealing with, on to the story.

One night I was working on the lobby receiving people, cutting their tickets and pointing them in the right direction. Now you guys know the movie theater policy that they don’t allow any outside food or beverages inside the theaters. This guy and his gf come up and the guy has a drink, so I give them the little speech, “I’m sorry sir but due to company policy we don’t allow outside food or beverages”, he’s like “no, i just bought this”

So I call the closest manager (Rick) to come over, back me up and deal with this. I tell him the situation and he looks at me and say’s

“You’re bothering me with this?? What’s wrong with you? Let him through”

The guy goes through and gives me a little “fuck you” smile.

Now I’m pissed, this guy just belittled me in front of customers and other employees for me just doing my job, and asking for his backing, again for doing my job. Other employees saw, and were laughing.

Now the good stuff

Around idk, an hour or two later comes this woman with like 4 kids. She has this huge pizza box with her. She comes up to me I point her to the screening room, she looks at me a little confused and asks if she doesn’t have to leave the pizza I say, “No, enjoy the pizza” and I smile

She goes through the lobby, employees around are laughing.

Couple of minutes later Rick come up

Rick: “Are you blind?”

Me: “No, why?”

Rick: “You just let a huge ass pizza through“

Me: “I know”

Rick: looks at me blank for a couple of seconds “Go inside and tell her she can’t have that inside”

Me: “No”

Rick: “What did you say?”

Me: “No”

Rick: “If you don’t go and get that pizza I’ll write you a memo”

Me: “That’s fine, be sure to add the part where I requested your assistance enforcing company policy, you refused and asked me why I was bothering you with this. Once you do that I’ll sign it. Oh and I’ll want a copy of the memo.

Rick: … gives me a you little shit look

Rick sent another employee to get that pizza out. I went through my shift like normal, Rick didn’t do shit. The other older employees were laughing and telling me “good on you”

It’s not much but I enjoyed the fuck out of watching his burn with rage inside 🤣, Fuck you Rick

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