
An open letter to the admin assistant in charge of timekeeping:

Dear ****, Thank you so much for your attention to detail during this difficult time in my life. As you mentioned, you did notify me of my erroneous punches from the previous week on /. I remember that day well, being the day I was finally able to stand long enough to take myself to a COVID testing site after having been almost bedbound for roughly 36h due to body aches and fatigue. Admittedly, I don’t remember checking my work email at that time, especially considering it was not a day I had been scheduled to work. As you know, being specifically designated as a weekend employee, I typically do not work on *days. Again, I appreciate your dedication to ensuring my timecard and pay remain pristine. Especially at a time when I had a rag designated to catch the blood my tortured sinuses sprayed every time I sneezed. It…

Dear ****,

Thank you so much for your attention to detail during this difficult time in my life. As you mentioned, you did notify me of my erroneous punches from the previous week on /. I remember that day well, being the day I was finally able to stand long enough to take myself to a COVID testing site after having been almost bedbound for roughly 36h due to body aches and fatigue. Admittedly, I don’t remember checking my work email at that time, especially considering it was not a day I had been scheduled to work. As you know, being specifically designated as a weekend employee, I typically do not work on *days.

Again, I appreciate your dedication to ensuring my timecard and pay remain pristine. Especially at a time when I had a rag designated to catch the blood my tortured sinuses sprayed every time I sneezed. It was good to have something clear and concise at that time. It was good to have something in my life devoid of the chaos of all the bodily fluids I was unwillingly spraying in every direction I looked. The order you bring to my life is, as always, ever comforting.

And again, as always, you provided a comforting and consistent presence when things in my life were uncertain. For instance, I was unsure whether or not to go to the emergency room when I began intermittently wheezing. It was scary for me to not be able to breathe at times, but there you were, as usual, reminding me of the times I had and had not punched in or out correctly the weekend before. Fortunately, I was able to find a virtual remote urgent care to provide me with a prescription for albuterol. But just as essential to my survival was the reminder that as usual, my punches lacked the expected perfection.

Thank you so much for withholding my pay until both my and your circumstances are adequate despite the fact that you know damn well I worked the exact same hours I always work that weekend and the fact that I was out more or less deathly ill the next. Congratulations for upholding a sense of order in the face of literally anything else.

Oh and let’s not talk about the rumor that you just delete “I didn’t get a 30min break” punches. We’ll just leave that alone. I’ll admit I’m too much of a disaster personally to take you down on that shit.

With Love,

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