
So Where do We Start?

If you've read my previous post: I trust you understand the gravity and potential of our current situation. Not doing anything is not an option for us, so what do we do? The most idealistic path of change would be a peaceful government renovation. I personally believe the most important factor in our revolution would be the enstatement of Congressional term limits. Perhaps a limit of being elected twice to either house of Congress. Congressmen and women who have been in Congress for decades are still there because they know how to game the system. They know exactly what promises to make, what words to say, and what special interests to protect. They have perfected the art of politicking, and they need to go. Limit how many times a person can be elected to Congress, and even the sliest of politicians won't be in Congress for long. Sure, it…

If you've read my previous post:

I trust you understand the gravity and potential of our current situation. Not doing anything is not an option for us, so what do we do?

The most idealistic path of change would be a peaceful government renovation. I personally believe the most important factor in our revolution would be the enstatement of Congressional term limits. Perhaps a limit of being elected twice to either house of Congress.

Congressmen and women who have been in Congress for decades are still there because they know how to game the system. They know exactly what promises to make, what words to say, and what special interests to protect. They have perfected the art of politicking, and they need to go. Limit how many times a person can be elected to Congress, and even the sliest of politicians won't be in Congress for long. Sure, it means that even good politicians won't be in power for long, but this is a measure we must take to prevent even the possibility of the abuse of power.

We need new blood in the Congress. Those who have been there for too long have proven to not be willing to change, and those who are willing to press for change are too few. America's youth is increasingly disenchanted with the current political and economic system, and more of them need to be elected.

THIS WILL NOT HAPPEN ON ITS OWN, we need to be the ones to do it. Again, inaction is not an option for us. We MUST vote, not based on party lines but on bigger ideas. Ideas like averting a dystopian future and increasing the living conditions of Americans (and later, the whole world) forever.

If voting is not enough (and I doubt it will be), protesting will be our last peaceful option. We must make it known to all of America and its politicians that the continued inaction and abuse of power will not be tolerated.

Lastly, we must spread the word. 100,000, even 1,000,000 views on a Reddit post means nothing if the average person has no idea why change is needed. Everyone needs to know because if nothing is done, a dytopian future in which 1% of the population owns every inch of land, every house, and every crumb of bread is inevitable if we don't do something about it.

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