
Help! I’m about to be let go but don’t know how to maneuver

My boss randomly scheduled a meeting with me and offered me to either go on a pip or go on a 2 month transition plan. I have no idea what the extra details are regarding these two options but since she made the 2-month transition sound better I told her I’ll be choosing the pip just cause she’s a bitch for siding with the company over me. But yeah what’s the pro and con of both of these options. I feel like one is quitting and the other is being fired lol

My boss randomly scheduled a meeting with me and offered me to either go on a pip or go on a 2 month transition plan. I have no idea what the extra details are regarding these two options but since she made the 2-month transition sound better I told her I’ll be choosing the pip just cause she’s a bitch for siding with the company over me. But yeah what’s the pro and con of both of these options. I feel like one is quitting and the other is being fired lol

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