
Your manager is not your elementary school principal. They have no actual control over you.

Just a friendly reminder that you have made an agreement with your company that is mutually beneficial for you and the company. You have a product the company wants – your time and labor. They company has a product you want – cash. You have made a mutual agreement to trade these two things. Fuck every manager that thinks they have any power over you. I keep reading these posts where managers are acting like elementary school principals. You are mutually trading goods with your company for the benefit of you both. There is NO POWER held by the company within the bounds of your employment. There is especially no power held by your manager with whom you likely have no direct contract. Any manager that thinks they have one ounce of power or superiority over you should be reminded to fuck right off. By accepting a job offer, you…

Just a friendly reminder that you have made an agreement with your company that is mutually beneficial for you and the company. You have a product the company wants – your time and labor. They company has a product you want – cash. You have made a mutual agreement to trade these two things.

Fuck every manager that thinks they have any power over you. I keep reading these posts where managers are acting like elementary school principals.

You are mutually trading goods with your company for the benefit of you both. There is NO POWER held by the company within the bounds of your employment. There is especially no power held by your manager with whom you likely have no direct contract.

Any manager that thinks they have one ounce of power or superiority over you should be reminded to fuck right off. By accepting a job offer, you have not signed up to go back to elementary school – you have signed up to make a beneficial, professional trade of assets with a company. You are equal parties in this agreement and no side holds authority over the other.

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