
I worked 11 hours, I got fired, and then they called me back.

So, I work as a CNA in a nursing home. For anyone who knows what that's like, it tends to be a toxic environment to work in. I was told this was one of the “good” nursing homes; however, after working here for a year I've realized they have so many issues I can't even begin to explain. Things have gotten progressively worse in terms of micromanagement, their policies (and lack of), and people going on power trips. I work in the activities department so I'm not like a “traditional” CNA. However, our staffing issues have gotten worse and worse, and now we're having a covid surge. It has gotten to the point where the charge nurse will shut down activities and pull us to work on the units. It is incredibly stressful because you are expected to wash everyone up as quickly as possible, and because I don't know…

So, I work as a CNA in a nursing home. For anyone who knows what that's like, it tends to be a toxic environment to work in. I was told this was one of the “good” nursing homes; however, after working here for a year I've realized they have so many issues I can't even begin to explain.

Things have gotten progressively worse in terms of micromanagement, their policies (and lack of), and people going on power trips. I work in the activities department so I'm not like a “traditional” CNA. However, our staffing issues have gotten worse and worse, and now we're having a covid surge. It has gotten to the point where the charge nurse will shut down activities and pull us to work on the units. It is incredibly stressful because you are expected to wash everyone up as quickly as possible, and because I don't know everyone's routine and what they need, I am not that quick. In fact, originally I started out working on the units as a brand new CNA but I was constantly put down for being too slow and needing extra training (because the “training” was extremely lackluster to say the least). This past Wednesday, I was with one other coworker from my department and we were responsible for 30 residents, many of them having dementia, so you can imagine how that went.

My coworker and I were scheduled from 12-8 in activities and had no idea the activities department was being shut down. The unit we were working on had one person scheduled for the 3-11 shift but they did not show up. I figured they would call someone in, and as time went by, the charge nurse hadn't asked us to stay. So, here I am fully expecting to leave at my normal time. Well… 8 o'clock rolls on by. My coworker and I are helping a resident until about 8:30. There's still no one else on the unit. The charge nurse who was working that night (who also happens to be the assistant director) tells us “she doesn't have anybody” and we need to stay later. My coworker starts having a literal mental breakdown and not long after, she walked out. Now I am alone, trying to do the best I can with all of these people. Thankfully, two CNAs from another unit came to help me, and we finished everyone minutes before the night shift crew showed up.

So, the assistant director hands me a $1 scratch ticket and tells me I'm greatly appreciated. After working an 11 hour shift with one 30 minute break, no dinner in my system, and usually being in bed at this time, it felt pretty insulting. I said something like “oh, is this my thank you gift?” and then I asked her if there was an incentive for my time. She said she wasn't able to offer me an incentive at that time but she would share my concerns with the director. I simply said “okay” and left.

The next day I was off. Around 12 pm, I get a call from my manager. She said, word for word, “your position is no longer needed at (facility name) and you are being terminated.” There were a few moments of silence, as I was in complete shock and that's the last thing I would have expected. I told her I didn't understand, and she said “(assistant director) told me it's due to your attitude and job performance.” I still did not understand. I told her I stayed 3 extra hours with no attitude and got everything done. She said she didn't understand the termination either and she would try to get more details. I honestly couldn't get past the shock, I had to just lay down and try to calm down.

Two hours later, I get a call back from her. “You're back.” …What? What does that even mean? She proceeds to tell me she is expecting me for my next shift. I ask her what the termination was all about. Basically she told me that the assistant director brought up what I said about the scratch ticket. Seriously? And about the “job performance” part.. Apparently, I wasn't completing my tasks fast enough. Really? I don't usually work in that department and we obviously did not have adequate staff. It was the most ridiculous thing I had ever heard in my life. I got fired for no reason and then they had the nerve to call me back and say “I'm back.” For two hours, it felt like my world had turned upside down. They put me through all of that. Part of me wishes I had just stayed fired.

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