
I’m so fucking sick of this

my boss is literally evil. I work for a local video game store, and make pretty good money, and have a (usually) stress free job, but the owner is unbearable. A person came in one time, high, threatened to rape and kill me, and the owner of the store said i’d be fired if i called the police. When the store next to us called the police, he got really mad at me about it, and told me to not let the police talk to me under any circumstances. Another time, he called me a monster, and a broken person, because i was working too many of the hours i was scheduled to. Afterwards, he said that because i was the assistant manager, i was required to work any hours i was scheduled, plus any that needed to be covered, but he was only going to pay me for the…

my boss is literally evil. I work for a local video game store, and make pretty good money, and have a (usually) stress free job, but the owner is unbearable. A person came in one time, high, threatened to rape and kill me, and the owner of the store said i’d be fired if i called the police. When the store next to us called the police, he got really mad at me about it, and told me to not let the police talk to me under any circumstances. Another time, he called me a monster, and a broken person, because i was working too many of the hours i was scheduled to. Afterwards, he said that because i was the assistant manager, i was required to work any hours i was scheduled, plus any that needed to be covered, but he was only going to pay me for the ones he felt like paying for. I make more sales for the store than anyone else does, over twice as much, and i don’t get paid as much as the manager. I like everyone who works here, except this one racist jackass who doesnt do any work. The owner always plays defense for him, and attributes any successful thing that no one takes credit for to him. Other than him, half the employees in the store are the owner’s grandchildren

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