
I’m not sure what to do.

I'm a relatively new employee(around 6 months) in a warehouse in Texas, in that time I had an old injury flare up pretty badly & with the health insurance I was able to get grub this job, I went to an ortho & he told me I needed surgery to fix it. I talked to my job & was assured that I could go on “light duty” until it healed after the surgery. It was under that assumption that I went ahead with it & am now in recovery, I'm mostly healed but the doc wants me to refrain from the heavy lifting required with normal duty for at least 6 more weeks. Now, I've got a tl telling me of I go over 12 weeks on light duty they'll fire me. I don't think he can make that call on his own but now I'm freaking out thinking I'm…

I'm a relatively new employee(around 6 months) in a warehouse in Texas, in that time I had an old injury flare up pretty badly & with the health insurance I was able to get grub this job, I went to an ortho & he told me I needed surgery to fix it. I talked to my job & was assured that I could go on “light duty” until it healed after the surgery. It was under that assumption that I went ahead with it & am now in recovery, I'm mostly healed but the doc wants me to refrain from the heavy lifting required with normal duty for at least 6 more weeks. Now, I've got a tl telling me of I go over 12 weeks on light duty they'll fire me. I don't think he can make that call on his own but now I'm freaking out thinking I'm gonna get fired any day now because I'm over 12 weeks.
Idk what I'm asking, mostly just venting I guess.

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