
Likely broke my metatarsal yesterday and work won’t let me off to go receive care for it— what do I do?

Okay, so I’m not a doctor so misleading title. However, I’ve been looking at websites and every image and symptom have matched my own almost perfectly. I slammed my foot into a wall and I’m in so much pain I can barely walk. It’s severely bruising, has been hurting chronically, and I think I can see something sticking out of the skin. Been icing, ibuprofen-ing, and elevating and it’s still awful. I texted my boss telling her what happened and that I would show up for my shift on Monday but I was waiting on a call back from my podiatrist so I could go get my foot x-rayed and treated. She responded that it wasn’t a serious or lethal injury and I could still work so I’d need to find someone to cover for when I wasn’t there or work my full shift. I asked if I could swap…

Okay, so I’m not a doctor so misleading title. However, I’ve been looking at websites and every image and symptom have matched my own almost perfectly. I slammed my foot into a wall and I’m in so much pain I can barely walk. It’s severely bruising, has been hurting chronically, and I think I can see something sticking out of the skin. Been icing, ibuprofen-ing, and elevating and it’s still awful.

I texted my boss telling her what happened and that I would show up for my shift on Monday but I was waiting on a call back from my podiatrist so I could go get my foot x-rayed and treated.

She responded that it wasn’t a serious or lethal injury and I could still work so I’d need to find someone to cover for when I wasn’t there or work my full shift. I asked if I could swap my Tuesday shift around and go then, and she told me that she wanted me there for further “trainings”. I don’t have a day off until Wednesday.

I’ve been working there for less than a month and they aren’t union. This job has offered to completely reimburse me for my schooling, I don’t want to screw anything up with them but I’m barely able to walk.

What can I do here? What rights do I have? Do I just wait till Wednesday?

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