
Guilt tripped for using sick time to care for a family member.

I got an earful from one of my managers this morning because I called in sick to care for someone after surgery and they have no one apparently. I was asked why didn't I try to find someone to cover (I did, which isn't my responsibility anyway but it was short notice) I got the whole spiel about their other people being on vacation and shamed and asked intrusive questions and told 'there's no way you have to be there the whole time'. Also got grief about it being 'last minute' when I told a manager 2 days prior and you know what they did? Told me I would have to call in the day of because 'I don't know if I'll be there that day'. So not only did they not lift a finger themselves to text the other managers, but they made me look like an asshole when…

I got an earful from one of my managers this morning because I called in sick to care for someone after surgery and they have no one apparently. I was asked why didn't I try to find someone to cover (I did, which isn't my responsibility anyway but it was short notice) I got the whole spiel about their other people being on vacation and shamed and asked intrusive questions and told 'there's no way you have to be there the whole time'. Also got grief about it being 'last minute' when I told a manager 2 days prior and you know what they did? Told me I would have to call in the day of because 'I don't know if I'll be there that day'. So not only did they not lift a finger themselves to text the other managers, but they made me look like an asshole when I tried to get out in front of it and give them proper notice.

I have a feeling I'll be pulled into the office the next day and written up but I think it's illegal in my state (NJ) to retaliate against me for this?

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