
Getting Fired Sucks

I worked as a correctional officer in a direct supervision facility for 4+ years with no major Incidents. I’ve always carried a pocket knife on me just for the eventuality you’re going to find someone who’s attempting to self-asphyxiate themselves. It happens in high-stress environments such as jails. I left that job earlier this year to move to a new facility where it’s intermittent supervision so basically, the inmates are all behind bars. In a direct supervision facility, the inmates are all around the officer with no real barriers. So at this new facility, the Sgt sees I have a pocket knife on my person and runs to the boss who terminates me on the spot. Am I wrong to be hurt by this or should I try and appeal this termination?

I worked as a correctional officer in a direct supervision facility for 4+ years with no major Incidents. I’ve always carried a pocket knife on me just for the eventuality you’re going to find someone who’s attempting to self-asphyxiate themselves. It happens in high-stress environments such as jails. I left that job earlier this year to move to a new facility where it’s intermittent supervision so basically, the inmates are all behind bars. In a direct supervision facility, the inmates are all around the officer with no real barriers.
So at this new facility, the Sgt sees I have a pocket knife on my person and runs to the boss who terminates me on the spot. Am I wrong to be hurt by this or should I try and appeal this termination?

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