
Meat grinder for single moms

I started working for a privately owned business a little over two years ago. The husband and wife owners seemed nice and the office manager soon became my bestie. Fast forward to today and I've realized that the owner is laundering money through cash sales, 2k to 10k a month, and the office manager is living out a fantasy of 'paying back the mean girls in high school'. She bullies, has friends come in to harass me, sabotages my paperwork, name calls, and constantly makes comments about me 'smelling bad'. (My rude 9yr old or boyfriend would have mentioned it if I did. I think she was told this when she was a teenager and it's the greatest weapon she has.) I've been very direct in relaying this to the owner, he either laughs or enthusiastically covers for her. He has ripped up paperwork that showed her sabotage, accused me…

I started working for a privately owned business a little over two years ago. The husband and wife owners seemed nice and the office manager soon became my bestie.

Fast forward to today and I've realized that the owner is laundering money through cash sales, 2k to 10k a month, and the office manager is living out a fantasy of 'paying back the mean girls in high school'. She bullies, has friends come in to harass me, sabotages my paperwork, name calls, and constantly makes comments about me 'smelling bad'. (My rude 9yr old or boyfriend would have mentioned it if I did. I think she was told this when she was a teenager and it's the greatest weapon she has.)

I've been very direct in relaying this to the owner, he either laughs or enthusiastically covers for her. He has ripped up paperwork that showed her sabotage, accused me of a 'persecution complex', and outright lies to cover for her.

I'm the second struggling single mother she has chased out of this position in the last 5yrs. I know there have been others. I don't want the next one to suffer like this, what can I do?

It's like he's throwing raw meat in front of a rabid animal and laughing at the drama. All the while laundering money. I've worked for some sickos in my life, but this place takes the cake!

(The business isn't listed on BBB. He keeps a low profile and stays under the radar. It's how he's survived all these years with his corruption)

Edit: the computer systems are LITERALLY older than I am. The IT companies have almost stopped working with him because of the age of the systems he uses. I always thought he was cheap, turns out, his system doesn't use time codes and allows for falsifying records. He could be easily caught, though. All it takes is an IRS agent to come in with a cash purchase several times in a week. Then when they audit at the end of a month, they would find return tickets for the items they purchased, but never returned.

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