
We need to focus on gaining ground issue by issue with snowballing continuous momentum. No brief strikes that fade, no protesting to deaf ears, just a collective ideology that can pressure an oppressive force consistently forever without relent.

Our enemies which wish us to die for their profit already do this. Day by day destroying a right is like untying a knot to our political adversaries. Bit by bit we unravel with the conviction of religious minority+greedy mercenaries in suits whom convey from countless outlets and we end up perplexed at how to do anything about it. All you need to be powerful is agreeing with the communities that already think like you (think of this sub-Reddit among many other outlets) in order to build information powerhouses which influence other power structures in alignment with your own. Start a website together, start discord servers, follow eachother on social media, or at the very least start discussing how you find your information/facts and refine your sense of self-conviction to convince others to act. Even though we’re all likely broke here in the U.S or wherever you hail from, we…

Our enemies which wish us to die for their profit already do this. Day by day destroying a right is like untying a knot to our political adversaries. Bit by bit we unravel with the conviction of religious minority+greedy mercenaries in suits whom convey from countless outlets and we end up perplexed at how to do anything about it. All you need to be powerful is agreeing with the communities that already think like you (think of this sub-Reddit among many other outlets) in order to build information powerhouses which influence other power structures in alignment with your own. Start a website together, start discord servers, follow eachother on social media, or at the very least start discussing how you find your information/facts and refine your sense of self-conviction to convince others to act. Even though we’re all likely broke here in the U.S or wherever you hail from, we all share the same senses we were born with to do as we see fit. It’s not our job to convince everyone to act, but we must at least have the conviction to act with the current information we have to defend ourselves while reclaiming our rights to healthcare and a life of dignity.

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