
2 Ridiculous Hiring Teams

Both of these happened today. I’m so frustrated and it’s ruined my whole day. Need to work on not letting this stuff affect me, but goddamn so frustrated. Context: I’m in recruitment and have a solid track record. Content at my current company but always like to hear out offers I get called/messaged on. Not actively searching for anything new. “Sr. Exec.” reaches out to me on LinkedIn. I see he worked last at a company my friend works at. I asked him about my buddy and ask what is pay range, he explains he’s left company and “it’s based on experience”, even though he reached out to me bc of my experience level. I ask him which company he’s at now. He writes back selling points about the company. I ask again who he’s hiring for, he says he understands I’m not interested? And will check back in 6…

Both of these happened today. I’m so frustrated and it’s ruined my whole day. Need to work on not letting this stuff affect me, but goddamn so frustrated.

Context: I’m in recruitment and have a solid track record. Content at my current company but always like to hear out offers I get called/messaged on. Not actively searching for anything new.

  1. “Sr. Exec.” reaches out to me on LinkedIn. I see he worked last at a company my friend works at. I asked him about my buddy and ask what is pay range, he explains he’s left company and “it’s based on experience”, even though he reached out to me bc of my experience level.
    I ask him which company he’s at now. He writes back selling points about the company. I ask again who he’s hiring for, he says he understands I’m not interested? And will check back in 6 months. I ask a third time which company he’s recruiting for and he says that anyone who asks about salary is not someone who “would fit in hear”. I say “Here*”. Convo ends. He was definitely in violation of his non-compete. So sketchy.

  2. Recruitment company who were upfront about salary. They convinced me into interview though I explained I’m content. Just wanted to hear them out. After 3rd 45-minute interview, TA rep explains final step is me creating 20-minute presentation on why I’d be a good hire. I politely respond that that’s highly irregular and as I already explained, I don’t need a new job. After 3 interviews they can make offer or we’ll part ways. Call ends (after 5 minutes of her pushing the presentation piece awkwardly) and she calls back an hour later with an offer well below what we discussed, bc my lack of initiative (not doing pres.). I hung up on her.

WTF! Never had such ridiculous hiring parties reach out to me. And both of these happen on the same day.

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