
toxic workplace or am i too sensitive?

toxic workplace or am i just too sensitive? i landed my first job 3 weeks after graduating college and had some experience from internship. i accepted the first job offer that came to me and it was for a small (worth 30mil) logistics company working from home. this job is quite stressful and i have to do a lot of customer relationship creating and maintenance, i dont mind that because i am a people person. have 95 clients in my region (i am a manager) and 200+ independent contractor drivers who report to me. i understand my expectations. however my responsibilities have piled on. i have been working here for about 5 months now and i’ve noticed these red flags : 1) i did not receive enough training when i started , maybe 2 weeks then i was thrown into the fire 2) my old supervisor told me he doesn’t…

toxic workplace or am i just too sensitive?

i landed my first job 3 weeks after graduating college and had some experience from internship. i accepted the first job offer that came to me and it was for a small (worth 30mil) logistics company working from home. this job is quite stressful and i have to do a lot of customer relationship creating and maintenance, i dont mind that because i am a people person. have 95 clients in my region (i am a manager) and 200+ independent contractor drivers who report to me. i understand my expectations. however my responsibilities have piled on.

i have been working here for about 5 months now and i’ve noticed these red flags :

1) i did not receive enough training when i started , maybe 2 weeks then i was thrown into the fire

2) my old supervisor told me he doesn’t have time to be on the phone with me for daily tasks i heard this the first time about 3 -4 weeks after i started. and i still hear it from my new supervisor when i need assistance or if i want to notify him something

3) as per #2 this is what a lot of my supervisors have said to me … am i being too needy? i have been here for 5 months and it’s a lot to handle

4) the turnover rate is really high 2 people quit within the span of a week and the week before my supervisor was fired.

5) my supervisors constantly trash talk old employees (calling someone who quit before me an alcoholic, calling my old coworker an idiot, trash talking my old supervisor after he left)

6) it doesn’t feel like a team, it just feels like everyone blames things on me because i am new and the youngest person in the company

the list goes on but these are some top issues

what do you think? am i just sensitive or am i in a toxic workplace

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