
Quit a job and wasn’t paid fully

I recently quit a job at a restaurant, but the Manager took away pay. Before i quit, we had verbally agreed to adding tips to my paycheck, even though i was training. He also didn’t alert me to a .50 decrease in training salary. When i received the pay, it was for base pay with no tips. Is there anyway i can chase this matter? It isn’t about that bit of money, more the sneakiness that is pissing me off.

I recently quit a job at a restaurant, but the Manager took away pay. Before i quit, we had verbally agreed to adding tips to my paycheck, even though i was training. He also didn’t alert me to a .50 decrease in training salary. When i received the pay, it was for base pay with no tips. Is there anyway i can chase this matter? It isn’t about that bit of money, more the sneakiness that is pissing me off.

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