
We don’t get these minutes of our lives back

I know you know. There's so many things I want to do with my life besides work six days a week and be poor. Whether you believe in a higher power or not this cannot be why we are here. I think I'd be really good at helping people with eastern medicine if I could just find a way to really study it. Instead, I'm going to work for someone with several houses who pays me $15 an hour and bills me out for $50, so I can keep a roof. If we had Universal Basic Income I could contribute so much to this planet. I know a lot about plants and herbs and growing organic things and healing. And I'm a helpful creative person and so much of it seems wasted. They just see me as a thing to use and make money off of. Thanks for listening. I…

I know you know. There's so many things I want to do with my life besides work six days a week and be poor. Whether you believe in a higher power or not this cannot be why we are here. I think I'd be really good at helping people with eastern medicine if I could just find a way to really study it. Instead, I'm going to work for someone with several houses who pays me $15 an hour and bills me out for $50, so I can keep a roof. If we had Universal Basic Income I could contribute so much to this planet. I know a lot about plants and herbs and growing organic things and healing. And I'm a helpful creative person and so much of it seems wasted. They just see me as a thing to use and make money off of. Thanks for listening. I just had to put this out there so I can go to my job and not have a meltdown.

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