
It’s a workers market!

They tell us there's a shortage of workers. What they fail to realize is when supply is low and demand is high, prices go up. There's no cartel to set the price of work though. You don't get more unless you don't accept less. Keep looking and don't get discouraged! This market belongs to us now and they don't realize it! If you're like me, you want to work. You're looking at dozens of terrible offers and holding out for something that actually pays. Keep looking! See something that doesn't? Pass it up. Can't afford not to work? Don't stop looking once you're hired. Get something better as soon as you can. There's plenty of there. Don't feel trapped once you're in a job. We have the power here. We only have to exercise it. Don't work for less! Don't send your children to work! Don't have more children! Don't…

They tell us there's a shortage of workers. What they fail to realize is when supply is low and demand is high, prices go up. There's no cartel to set the price of work though. You don't get more unless you don't accept less. Keep looking and don't get discouraged! This market belongs to us now and they don't realize it!

If you're like me, you want to work. You're looking at dozens of terrible offers and holding out for something that actually pays. Keep looking! See something that doesn't? Pass it up. Can't afford not to work? Don't stop looking once you're hired. Get something better as soon as you can. There's plenty of there. Don't feel trapped once you're in a job. We have the power here. We only have to exercise it.

Don't work for less! Don't send your children to work! Don't have more children! Don't do anything to blunt the edge we have right now! We can make them pay if we have the right attitude towards jobs. Let them chase after us. Worker's market!

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