
Don’t post a high wage then offer me way less than wage that was posted.

long so I’m sorry, first time posting on here so hi Recently separated from a job, have been applying and interviewing like crazy, using most sites like indeed, Glassdoor and monster, most jobs I’ve applied to mention a wage of at least $16 or higher, my asking wage is $18 with the work experience I have I feel it’s comfortable. Most places I’ve interviewed at mention at the end of the interview “our actual wage is $14” or less, it wastes my time driving all this way for an interview only to find that out.

long so I’m sorry, first time posting on here so hi Recently separated from a job, have been applying and interviewing like crazy, using most sites like indeed, Glassdoor and monster, most jobs I’ve applied to mention a wage of at least $16 or higher, my asking wage is $18 with the work experience I have I feel it’s comfortable. Most places I’ve interviewed at mention at the end of the interview “our actual wage is $14” or less, it wastes my time driving all this way for an interview only to find that out.

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