
Today my therapist accidentally stumbled across the point I was making about work.

So I'm in DBT because I have borderline personality disorder and can't really work anymore because of it. Today my therapist recommended connecting me with the job counseling through the mental health hospital I go to. A bit of background: I have a degree in mining engineering but left that career because it was terrible on my mental health. I tried to start a nonprofit so I could do something with purpose, but I failed and then covid also happened. I finally got on my state's public option for healthcare, but if I get a job I will likely lose that insurance & also then they will come after me for student loans. My only way to get my student loans forgiven under Biden is to get on disability (which I should have years ago) and stay on it for at least 3 years. So anyway she suggests I meet…

So I'm in DBT because I have borderline personality disorder and can't really work anymore because of it. Today my therapist recommended connecting me with the job counseling through the mental health hospital I go to.

A bit of background: I have a degree in mining engineering but left that career because it was terrible on my mental health. I tried to start a nonprofit so I could do something with purpose, but I failed and then covid also happened. I finally got on my state's public option for healthcare, but if I get a job I will likely lose that insurance & also then they will come after me for student loans. My only way to get my student loans forgiven under Biden is to get on disability (which I should have years ago) and stay on it for at least 3 years.

So anyway she suggests I meet with the job counselors to discuss potential options. She specifically says, ” You may not do engineering work but just something to do with your day even if just part-time and to make some money. It can't hurt.” To which I respond that actually I think it would make things way worse for me. I won't be able to make enough to get out on my own or own property again so I'll just be working to get by (maybe) and help someone else grow their wealth through the exploitation of me. I'll make money that will be taxed to pay for wars and corporate hand outs instead of taking care of our own citizens and fixing our own country. I'll then feel more hopeless and depressed and angry.

She then says something to the effect of, “Well then I guess we're all just stuck in that scam.”

And I was like, “YES!! EXACTLY! The world sucks and most people would agree that at least things aren't great or running well the way society is set up, but they just keep going along with it because it's just the way things are. And that is not a world I want to be a part of.”

She really didn't know how to respond, because ultimately I am right and it seemed like it was her first time hearing this argument somehow. She tried to say something like, “Don't look at it as 'I'm working for the man. Think about it as you are working for you in order to have a better life.'” So basically my therapist recommended that I ignore reality and try to find comfort in a delusion as I labor my way through this dystopian hellscape.

Blows my fucking mind. She's a boomer btw obviously.

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