
Legally lost a job I love because I turned 31

I don’t know if this is the right place to post this but I just needed somewhere to vent. I was hired last year at age 30 to write for various publications for a non profit organization. I got my degree late, at 29. They pay their wages using a federal subsidy program for “youth” between age 15-30. Because everyone knows no one ever goes to school after that. Sarcasm. I was under the impression you can be over 30 at the time of employment and during employment as long as you were 30 when you were originally hired. That’s stated on the website. But I was wrong due to the different contracts I’ve signed to write for the different magazines they have. I thought technically I’ve been an employee all year long and I was good since I started at 30. Anyway I get a message today in the…

I don’t know if this is the right place to post this but I just needed somewhere to vent.

I was hired last year at age 30 to write for various publications for a non profit organization. I got my degree late, at 29.

They pay their wages using a federal subsidy program for “youth” between age 15-30. Because everyone knows no one ever goes to school after that. Sarcasm.

I was under the impression you can be over 30 at the time of employment and during employment as long as you were 30 when you were originally hired. That’s stated on the website. But I was wrong due to the different contracts I’ve signed to write for the different magazines they have. I thought technically I’ve been an employee all year long and I was good since I started at 30.

Anyway I get a message today in the middle of my other job, (because you know, everything is fucking expensive so I need more than one)that my contract is over and it’s my last day because I’m 31. They didn’t notice this before offering me a new contract, I’ve been 31 the whole year and they didn’t check before offering me new projects. Started crying at my job and couldn’t focus because I just lost the one I love with no notice.

Anyway I’m just angry at arbitrary rules. I know I can’t do shit about it because of the funding program but I’m just mad and want to vent.

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