
Companies have no regard for the well being of their employees UPS driver passes out due to heat exhaustion^ I've worked warehousing jobs in the south for more than 10 years. None of these warehouses had air conditioning (triple digit heat in the summertime). I remember one of my co-workers asking our corporate office to provide air conditioning, and he was literally laughed at for suggesting such a “costly” accomodation. These UPS drivers are no different. They drive sweltering trucks around town, lifting heavy boxes with no A/C. At this point, I am completely disillusioned with these companies and their lack of empathy. When you're being asked to work yourself to the point of utter exhaustion, on the verge of heat stroke for $15 an hour, it's time for all of us to honestly reflect on how worthless we are to these corporations.

UPS driver passes out due to heat exhaustion^

I've worked warehousing jobs in the south for more than 10 years. None of these warehouses had air conditioning (triple digit heat in the summertime). I remember one of my co-workers asking our corporate office to provide air conditioning, and he was literally laughed at for suggesting such a “costly” accomodation. These UPS drivers are no different. They drive sweltering trucks around town, lifting heavy boxes with no A/C. At this point, I am completely disillusioned with these companies and their lack of empathy. When you're being asked to work yourself to the point of utter exhaustion, on the verge of heat stroke for $15 an hour, it's time for all of us to honestly reflect on how worthless we are to these corporations.

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